sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2019

Hello, my name is Adriana Itzel Arelio Solis, I´m from the 5IM5 group of cecyt 15 ¨MI LIFE IN BLOG AND ENGLISH ACTIVITIES¨


Hi, I'm Adriana Arelio, I'm 17 years old and  I live in Santa Ana Tlacotenco, Milpa Alta, the day of my birthday is June 28, I have a sister whom I appreciate very much, what I like to do in my free time is to go out with my friends, listen to music, read books and go run. I currently live with my parents and enjoy their company.


Vania´s kind of smiler to me, she's a loyal friend, and honest, and good friend, funny organised and talkative. she's pretty, with brown eyes and small ears, her hair´s short and brown, and she is plumb. we met in high school and is my best friend.

Resultado de imagen para cosas por hacer tumblr

  1. Have a professional career.
  2. Do a bungee jump.
  3. Do some public speaking.
  4. Go to a music festival.
  5. Go to a carnaval.
  6. Meet my soulmate
  7. Run a marathon.
  8. Go surfing.
  9. Meet a person famous.
  10. Go on holiday abroad.


  • I wake up at 5 am I dress to go to school, then my mom gives me breakfast to go to school.
  • I arrive at school at 7 am to start my classes.
  • I leave school at 2 pm and arrive at my house at 3:30 pm.

  • My mom feeds me at 4 pm.
  • I do my homework from 5pm to 9pm.
  • I have dinner at 9:30 pm.
  • I fix my backpack with the materials that I have to go to school the next day.
    • I go to sleep normally from 12 pm to 1 am.

    Resultado de imagen para mi rutina diaria dibujos animados tumblr



    Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived with her mother in a town, she wore a little red hood, one day, her mother bought a basket and asked to visit her granny. She packed, bread, honey and cookies.
    She put on her red hood and went out to the forest. She smelled some flowers and she picked up, suddenly... The big bad wolf met her, he asked "Where are you going little red hood", and she told him "I'm going to my grandma's house". The big bad wolf ran ahead to the granny´s house.
    He knocked the door and the big bad wolf asked "Who is?", and the little red hood answered "I'm the little red hood", she opened the door and the big bad wolf ate up her, The big bad wolf dressed up with he clothes and got into the bed.
    Little red hood knocked the door and the big bad wolf asked "Who is?", and the little red hood answered "I'm your granddaughter", she went in, and asked "What big eyes you have!", and he answered "To see you better!", she asked "What big ears you have!", and he answered "To listen to you better!", finally, she asked "What big mouth you have", and he answered "TO EAT YOU BETTER!!!", she replied "The big bad wolf!", he jumped out the bed and chased the girl. She screamed "Help!" ,"Help!","Help!", a lumber jack heard her and came to the house. He killed the big bad wolf, and cut open his stomach, the granny jumped out and thanked him and they happily ever after.

    Resultado de imagen para caperucita roja tumblr


    1."It´s a piece of cake "
    Resultado de imagen para it's a piece of cake

    2."What's going on"
    Resultado de imagen para what's going on
    3." Are you kidding me"
    Resultado de imagen para are you kidding me
    4."It's not your business"
    Imagen relacionada
    5."Told so you"

    Resultado de imagen para told so you


    1. Develop the habit of reading.
    2. Develop your emotional intelligence.
    3. Learn to rest.
    4. Learn to say no frequently.
    5.Enjoy moments of silence and tranquility.
    6. Have a growth mindset.
    7. Turn your dreams into goals.
    8. The importance of relationships and who you surround yourself with.
    9.Create multiple sources of income.
    10. Develop resilience.
    Resultado de imagen para Los mejores consejos para una vida más exitosa


    1. How many Harry Potter films are there?
    A=8 films.

    2. What is the only word in English that finishes with the letters-mt?
    A= Is dreamt

    3. Who wrote the teenage bestseller The Catcher in the Rye? 
    A= JD Salinger

    4. What are the colours of the Polish flag?
    A = White and red 

    5. Who was the ancient Greek messenger of the gods? 
    A= Hermes 

    6. Which Apollo mission to the Moon nearly ended in disaster?
    A=  Apollo 11

    7. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded a computer company which one? 
    A=  Apple Computer Company 

    8. How many dots are there on two dice?
    A= 42 dots

    9. In American English, it's a faucet. What is it in British English?

    10. Which American state produces the most oil?
    A= Texas and California 

    11. Which is the fifth planet from the Sun in our solar system?
    A= Júpiter

    12. Which philosopher wrote Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am.)?
    A= René Descartes 

    13. If it takes three people four days to build a wall, how long will it take one person?
    A=It takes 3 days to have 4 people build the wall.

    14. What type of performer terrifies Johnny Depp?
    A= Black Mass

    15. Which country does the singer Lorde come from?
    A= New Zealand

    My dream trip to venecia


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